Monday, January 4, 2016

Using Google Sheets:  Type in your data, highlight all data, and then "Insert - Chart". You will need to navigate through Chart including "customizations" to make proper edits.

Class Fast Plants Over Break

Pictures Taken of Biology Class Fast Plants - Winter Break - Dec. 28th

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


  • Independent Variable:  Color filter paper used (red, green, blue, absent)

  • Dependent Variable: Height of Plant in centimeters

  • Controlled Variables: Location of plants, temperature, plant species, depth seed placed, amount of water given, soil type


Given our variable of sunlight, if a fast plant is placed under a green filtered light, it will grow at an accelerated rate. 

Guidlines for your Experiment

Welcome to Mrs. Turner's Wisconsin Fast Plant Experiment Blog!  


Hopefully this Blog will serve as an example of what you will be required to do in your Wisconsin Fast Plant Experiment. You will receive a document (click here) with instructions as well.

You will be creating a Blog with entries from each time you observe your plants.  Your entries will need to be scientific, educational, and include all observations you will make on your plants.  

You will also need to include scientific procedures of your experiment that can replicable by all those who read.  This will be more complex and thorough at specific times of your experiment.  It will also need to state clearly what your variables are within your experiment. 

Photos, movies, data tables, and any other documents will need to be added to your blog.  Here is an example data table you might need to fill out daily and upload into your Blog during each post.  
The below images will help you prepare for your experiment.

Here are photographs of the Wisconsin Fast Plants, so you can get a visual of what your experiment will look like. 


Below is a Time Lapse Video of the Wisconsin Fast Plant Life Cycle

Below is an image showing the steps you will need to take during the pollination stage. 
 I've also included a photograph. 

Your entire team will need to contribute to your Blog.  In order to do this, the original author will need to give access to all members of your team within the "Settings" of your Blog.  All members will need to access the Blog via their Gmail school account.